Wisconsin Criminal & Workers Comp Law Blog
Wisconsin Criminal & Workers Comp Law Blog
The workers compensation insurance adjuster is not being reasonable and now I need to go to a Hearing to have a judge decide my benefits? What should I expect? Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays represents only Wisconsin injured workers. Every client scheduled to go to...
Can You Get a DUI on a Snowmobile in Wisconsin?
The general public does not view recreational vehicles (snowmobiles, ATV's and UTV's, etc) as they would a regular car or automobile. And in turn, the general public doesn't consider the consequences for recreational vehicle drunk driving offenses. However, under...
10 Reasons to Hire a Lawyer for Your Wisconsin DUI Case
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Fighting a DUI in Wisconsin in 2024: Key Lessons from the Past Year
Drunk driving charges come with serious risks in Wisconsin. If you get convicted, you will be at risk for substantial penalties, and your conviction could negatively impact your life in a variety of other ways. 10 Free Resources for Individuals Facing a DUI in...
FAQs About Wisconsin Workers Compensation
You have been hurt at work, you are scared and do not know what to do or who to listen to. Mays Law Office hears this question every single day. Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays talks to injured workers daily – free of charge.
Idiopathic Defense
THE WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE IS DENYING MY WORKERS COMPENSATION BENEFITS CLAIMING IT IS IDIOPATHIC You were hurt at work and the workers compensation insurance company is denying your benefits claiming that you suffered an IDIOPATHIC injury. What does this...
What Happens if You Ignore Your OWI or PAC in Wisconsin?
When you get arrested for drunk driving in Wisconsin, it can be tempting to ignore your situation. Dealing with your OWI or PAC ticket can be stressful, and the last way you want to spend your time is meeting with a lawyer and going to court. But ignoring your OWI or...
Attorneys Steve Mays and John Orth Continue to Advocate Great Deals For Their Clients in 2023
Some recent success stories from the criminal defense side of Mays Law Office, LLC. In the Village of Marshall four teenagers were charged with one count each of disorderly conduct and damage to public property. The charges arose from an incident in which a public...
Workers Comp Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays Describes What Happens at The So-called “Independent Medical Examination”
In Wisconsin, when a worker is injured and claims compensation for workers compensation benefits, the workers compensation insurance carrier has the right to send the injured worker to see their “Independent Medical Examiner” under Wis. Stat. Sec. 102.13(1). This type...
“Dos” and “Don’ts” to Protect Yourself After a Drunk Driving Arrest in Wisconsin
When you get arrested for drunk driving in Wisconsin, you need to be very careful to protect yourself. A conviction for operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) or driving with a prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC) can lead to steep penalties. It can negatively...
Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays Gets Injured Worker Thousands of Dollars due to Insurance Company’s Misconduct
Generally, in Wisconsin, when it comes to workers compensation injury claims, the concept of fault is not relevant, meaning if an employee clumsily trips over a box on the floor and blows out their knee, workers compensation benefits cannot be denied because they were...
Asserting Your Constitutional Rights in a Wisconsin OWI/PAC Case
You face severe consequences if arrested for driving under the influence in Wisconsin. Wisconsin law establishes two separate drunk driving offenses—operating while intoxicated (OWI) and working with a prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC)—both carry steep penalties....
Whether you need a trusted, competent criminal defense lawyer to take your criminal or DUI to defend you or you need a knowledgeable workers compensation lawyer to handle your claim, we have the experience, the knowledge, and the compassion to find the right solution for you.